Monday, January 22, 2007

SRC Dinner and Dance 2007

And finally, the SRC D&D... It marks the formal end of my SRC Career as Welfare Head. The evening was great, though the turnout wasn't fantastic. Everyone dressed nicely to impressed. Everyone is taking photo with everyone! The handing-over ceremony was touching. The nice video and the walk down the red carpet....

And now, time to concentrate on the coming examination... As much as I enjoy school life, its time to move on....
Good buddies from the Excos... Ben and Alan Ling... Thanx for always being there~!
Excos 2006.... We worked hard and played hard~! The memories will be cherished....
It's not about how formal you wear. Its about the style you believe in... =)
Rainer (with hat) won the Best-Dressed award~!
The 3 Department last time.... =)
The 3 new Welfare Excos.... Jiechao, Wanshi and Joshua~!