I got my contact lense today! Yes, from today onwards, I will be wearing contact lense. Was at the spectacle shop just now to learn how to wear and take out the contact lense. It took me about 15mins before I managed to put both the lenses into my eyes. So difficult! But the optician told me that there are people who actually took more than 45 mins during their first attempt. I am still not too bad lah... Still a bit blur now but I guess its a matter of getting used to.
I will be going for my SIM Orientation in a few hours time. Hope it will be fun!
Oh and I am going to cancel my monthly donation to NKF tomorrow. If their top man is so rich that he can fly first class, get 12 months bonus and install a $1100 toilet bowl in his toilet, then I strongly believe that he don't need people like me to donate monthly. I would not want to see my money goes to waste, paying for his golden toilet bowl. So there goes. I am going to stop contributing to NKF monthly and for the future NKF show, even if the artiste jump off the buildings without any safety net, I will also not donate.
What the fuck.... what is this world coming to.... We have taxi driver banging motorbike purposely, we have NKF ppl getting extremely high pay and so many other crazy things... sighz...