Today is the day we've been training for~!
The Army Half Marathon and Sheares Bridge Run~!!!!
Woke up at 3am in the morning, had a quick breakfast before making our way to the padang. Registered ourselves by 4am and we were all at the startline by 5.45am, ready for flag off..... unluckily, I am in the competition team, so no matter how much I wanna slack.... I still gotta run.... no choice... Stupid Isaac got his leg injured last minute and made me replace him... sianz....
And so it started..... I was running... and running... and running.... and running.... there seems no end to it.... I see endless stretch of runners in front of me... I see endless stretch of runners behind me.... I am really wondering how many people are actually running~! Imagine this.... I have people overtaking me throughout the entire 21km run.... but then again, who cares lah... my job is just the run, so I'll just run. The best part of the entire marathon is running up the Sheares Bridge and ECP.... haha.... how many ppl actually get the chance to run on ECP~! Okie, excludes the 60,000 ppl who turned up for the run. =P
The rest of the route was boring... so boring that I nearly fell asleep running....
Finally its over. I was actually more interested in the fun fair that was in the padang. Went for the tiger balm massage, grab some free marigold milk, went for a free deodorant spray and got a free can of deodorant, ate pizza and garlic bread... haha... that's much more fun... =P
Met up with Jas after that. At about 4pm we were queueing at outside Shaw House's Mac to get the lanyard that 98.7 FM was giving out. Its not the lanyard that I'm interested in but the lucky draw coupon that comes with it. The prize? 500 bucks of Hereen Shopping Voucher~!!!! We were lucky... at first we thought that we won't get the lanyard cuz by the look at the number of ppl in front of us, it seems as if there are more than 100 ppl. But lucky Jas managed to get the last one~! How lucky is that~! And she did a good deed by giving her lanyard to the little boy behind her. Of course we kept the lucky draw to ourselves... hehe.... seeing that we are having some luck, we decided to come and queue tomorrow and increase our chances~!
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Wild Wild Wet aGaIn with JaS~
Had a 16km run in the morning... Damn shack.... too long never run such long distance already.... nearly collaspe... =P
Went to Wild Wild Wet again after that. This time only with Jas.... haha... had much more fun this time round. Only the 2 of us and we were basically running around from place to place, trying out all the slides and stuffs.... even went to the children's playground and spray water with the water jets on the people running around.... haha... stupid but fun.... its childish but then again, it feels good to feel like a kid for a while once again.... haha...
Ended up with a terrible sunburn..... the result of not putting any sun block.... gonna be in pain for the next few days.... =(
Went to Wild Wild Wet again after that. This time only with Jas.... haha... had much more fun this time round. Only the 2 of us and we were basically running around from place to place, trying out all the slides and stuffs.... even went to the children's playground and spray water with the water jets on the people running around.... haha... stupid but fun.... its childish but then again, it feels good to feel like a kid for a while once again.... haha...
Ended up with a terrible sunburn..... the result of not putting any sun block.... gonna be in pain for the next few days.... =(
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Freaking bored....
Taking a break from office... Freaking bored... so much work to do... sianz...
Passed my 8.01 yesterday. Yeah~! That's the good news. The bad news is that there are no more test dates until Dec or even next year~! Freak.... by that time, all my skills gone already, then I'm gonna fail... sianz...
Passed my 8.01 yesterday. Yeah~! That's the good news. The bad news is that there are no more test dates until Dec or even next year~! Freak.... by that time, all my skills gone already, then I'm gonna fail... sianz...
Sunday, September 12, 2004
The Terminal
Watched "The Terminal" today.... an interesting show by Tom Hanks. Its very simple story line but its very nice... don't know how to explain it.... Watch it to feel it.... Got a few good shows coming up. Jackie Chan's Police Story and also the Resident Evil 2. Will watch them when they start showing...
My neck and shoulder are aching as usual... Don't know what's the prob.... sianz...
My neck and shoulder are aching as usual... Don't know what's the prob.... sianz...
Another bad day with Jas. She is angry again.... I seriously don't understand how she can get angry with anything and everything. Is there really so many things to be angry about? You always exclaimed that I don't understand you. So do you think you understand me? Why is it that I must always understand you but you don't have to understand me?
So I am suppose to know why you are unhappy when you sudden keep quiet and give a sulky face? I am suppose to know what I did wrong when you get angry. Why don't you just open your mouth and tell me~! True that you already told me where you wanna go before hand. You can just tell me again when we are in the car, and we'll be off to where you wanna go in no time. So why are you just sitting down there pulling a long face? What's up in your mind? Hoping and praying that I will know exactly what you want? You know that I say I'm sending you home. And if that's not what you want, then say it~! Open your mouth and say it~! I know you told me before but can you just open your mouth and say it again?!? Stop hoping that I know everything! You got a dumb boyfriend, that's a fact you ought to know by now. Its either we do something to remedy it or you can enjoy getting angry forvever.
You wanted attention, I gave you attention. But you think its not enough.
You wanted to go out more often, so we went out more often. But its not enough.
You wanted me to let you know my things, I let you know. But its not enough.
So what is enough?
Don't compare me with your friend's JC bf or rich bf or whatever. I am not studying now, I am working. I am not rich, I am poor. You should know long ago the nature of my job. I am not like the JC boys who can accompany you to study, call you 24 hours a day and things like that. You should know it. I've got a job to know, I wake up early in the morning, sleep late at night. I've got physical training to do, I've got paperworks to do, I've got stress to manage and I'm tired at the end of the day. That's the fact. It's tough being a soldier's girl, I know. That's why I'm always giving in to you. Have I ever ill-treated you? Did I give you any restrictions? Did I ever control you? As far as I can remember, the answer to all that is NO!
Being together is not about changing each other. Its about compromising and accepting the person for who he or she is. There is always a big problem when it comes to long relationships... as years goes by, the girl when expect the guy to know her well and know what she wants everytime. The guy will expect the girl to be more understanding to his situation. Understand that he's busy and has work to do. Understand that he is tired at the end of a hard day work. This 2 doesn't fit well together that's why the arguments and quarrels.
I don't have any ego up in my head. I did not think that my ideas are the best. Its just that you can't give any better ideas, that's why. This is the real Alvin Ong that you are facing. No gimmicks. No mask or cover-up. Is this the kind of bf that you want? Its either you choose to accept me for who I am or go and find that "dream" guy who will understand you perfectly. I know you are the girl I want and I accept you for who you are. I never tried to change you to suit me. I never control you or give you restriction. I just love you for who you are. My stand its clear, now its up to you. If you seriously think its so hard to live with me then don't bother trying.
So I am suppose to know why you are unhappy when you sudden keep quiet and give a sulky face? I am suppose to know what I did wrong when you get angry. Why don't you just open your mouth and tell me~! True that you already told me where you wanna go before hand. You can just tell me again when we are in the car, and we'll be off to where you wanna go in no time. So why are you just sitting down there pulling a long face? What's up in your mind? Hoping and praying that I will know exactly what you want? You know that I say I'm sending you home. And if that's not what you want, then say it~! Open your mouth and say it~! I know you told me before but can you just open your mouth and say it again?!? Stop hoping that I know everything! You got a dumb boyfriend, that's a fact you ought to know by now. Its either we do something to remedy it or you can enjoy getting angry forvever.
You wanted attention, I gave you attention. But you think its not enough.
You wanted to go out more often, so we went out more often. But its not enough.
You wanted me to let you know my things, I let you know. But its not enough.
So what is enough?
Don't compare me with your friend's JC bf or rich bf or whatever. I am not studying now, I am working. I am not rich, I am poor. You should know long ago the nature of my job. I am not like the JC boys who can accompany you to study, call you 24 hours a day and things like that. You should know it. I've got a job to know, I wake up early in the morning, sleep late at night. I've got physical training to do, I've got paperworks to do, I've got stress to manage and I'm tired at the end of the day. That's the fact. It's tough being a soldier's girl, I know. That's why I'm always giving in to you. Have I ever ill-treated you? Did I give you any restrictions? Did I ever control you? As far as I can remember, the answer to all that is NO!
Being together is not about changing each other. Its about compromising and accepting the person for who he or she is. There is always a big problem when it comes to long relationships... as years goes by, the girl when expect the guy to know her well and know what she wants everytime. The guy will expect the girl to be more understanding to his situation. Understand that he's busy and has work to do. Understand that he is tired at the end of a hard day work. This 2 doesn't fit well together that's why the arguments and quarrels.
I don't have any ego up in my head. I did not think that my ideas are the best. Its just that you can't give any better ideas, that's why. This is the real Alvin Ong that you are facing. No gimmicks. No mask or cover-up. Is this the kind of bf that you want? Its either you choose to accept me for who I am or go and find that "dream" guy who will understand you perfectly. I know you are the girl I want and I accept you for who you are. I never tried to change you to suit me. I never control you or give you restriction. I just love you for who you are. My stand its clear, now its up to you. If you seriously think its so hard to live with me then don't bother trying.

Taken outside the market with Masae... Bet you won't believe that she is very overweight about 3 years ago when I know her in Japan. She claims that she did not eat any sliming pills, just pure hardwork and exercise. I give her the benefit of the doubt... haha...
fOr mOmEnT LaSts fOr sEcOnDs bUt mEmOrIeS LiVeS oN fOrEvEr...
Friday, September 10, 2004
Meeting up with the JaPs~
Had dinner today with Taro, Alvin Cho, Mellissa, Amy, Shuichi, Masae and some other ppl whom I dunno. Shuichi and Masae are hear on holidays. I first got to know them when I went for my attachment in Hiroshima, Japan for 2 months during my poly days. They were something like students leaders who were suppose to bring us around the city during our stay there. Now that they come to Singapore, its our turn to entertain them.
Ate at Tiong Bahru Market on Shuichi's suggestion. He seems to know this place quite well... haha... Ate a lot of stuffs... was bloated at the end of the dinner. Went to Boat Quay to hang out for a drink. Ehara Sensei, our Jap language teacher also came to meet us. All of them drank quite a bit but I didn't drink cuz I need to go airport to fetch my mum after that. Shuichi was drunk after only 3 cups.... he is always a poor drinker but he loves to drink. We'll know that he is drunk when he starts talking a lot of crap and laughing... haha...
Its nice to meet all these old friends after so long. Managed to catch up a bit with Taro and Amy. Ivan and Weifeng joined at Boat Quay too. Been a long while since we last met up. Its good to see friends from Japan too. Masae is gonna leave on the 18th, so we're probably gonna have a little BBQ at Amy's house on the 17th to meet up before she leaves.
Ate at Tiong Bahru Market on Shuichi's suggestion. He seems to know this place quite well... haha... Ate a lot of stuffs... was bloated at the end of the dinner. Went to Boat Quay to hang out for a drink. Ehara Sensei, our Jap language teacher also came to meet us. All of them drank quite a bit but I didn't drink cuz I need to go airport to fetch my mum after that. Shuichi was drunk after only 3 cups.... he is always a poor drinker but he loves to drink. We'll know that he is drunk when he starts talking a lot of crap and laughing... haha...
Its nice to meet all these old friends after so long. Managed to catch up a bit with Taro and Amy. Ivan and Weifeng joined at Boat Quay too. Been a long while since we last met up. Its good to see friends from Japan too. Masae is gonna leave on the 18th, so we're probably gonna have a little BBQ at Amy's house on the 17th to meet up before she leaves.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Getting busier these days... so much things to do. Gotta prepare for my overseas trip too.... sighz... Passed my 6.01 already. Going for 7.01 tomorrow. After that will be the last lesson... Evaluation. Pass it and I can go for my TP Test on the 27th... hopefully. Must PASS~! No money to go for all the lessons already. Still can't decide whether to get my Phantom or wait till I get class 2A then get the Super 4..... argH~ Don't wanna think liao lah.... Wait till I get my license first then decide~! =P
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Wild Wild Wet aGaIn~
Went to Wild Wild Wet today. This time round things are better. At least we get to go in. Though it rained halfway through, the rain was just a passing one. Had loads of fun. A lot of new things to try. The only bad thing was that there were too much pple. We spend most of the time queueing. Each time we queue it would be about 45mins~!
I only managed to try 2 stations. Don't really know their names so I shall not elaborate. Its thrilling. That's all you need to know. Crazy WenJin bought a camera plus waterproof casing worth 1000 over dollars. Tested out his camera underwater and the effect was great~! Did a lot of underwater shots. Something new for a change.
Had fun. Would definitely go again if I have the chance, or money.... haha... I bet Jas loves it toO~ =)
I only managed to try 2 stations. Don't really know their names so I shall not elaborate. Its thrilling. That's all you need to know. Crazy WenJin bought a camera plus waterproof casing worth 1000 over dollars. Tested out his camera underwater and the effect was great~! Did a lot of underwater shots. Something new for a change.
Had fun. Would definitely go again if I have the chance, or money.... haha... I bet Jas loves it toO~ =)
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