Friday, December 15, 2006


Once again, the SRC X'mas MGM is here again~! This is the last MGM for the year and it also mark the end of my tour as an Exco (literally lahz)... The next event will be the D&D, where we will hand over our appointments to the new batch of Excos. How time usual...
Ahmad arranging the gifts for the X'mas Gift Exchange... Ben using eye power...hahaha...
Jing, Alan and Dee
The turnout was not too bad.... This is only one side of the lecture hall....
Mr. Andy launching the SRC Website. You can check it out at
The D&D Comm doing their special publicity....
Not to forget the FREE buffet courtesy of the SIM Student Care and Services....
The yummy tiramisu logcake....
With the Bazaar Committee and their trademark handsign...=P