Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Tuesday's holiday was fun~! On the request of Shirlene, I went to Starbucks Bugis to help out. As it was Hari Raya holidays, a lot of their Partners were unable to work. So me and Shirlene went to help. I should not be helping there cuz I was not from that store, but since Shirlene asked and I have nothing to do, so just go lor.

I have not worked as a Barista for about 4 years plus already. And when I told the Opener, Clemence and the Manager, Eileen, about it, they nearly got heart attack.... hahaha... But I'm pretty okie lah... As in, I still remember how to make all the standard drinks, steam the milk with nice foam, pull good shots (between 18-23 seconds, with 3 clear visible layers), and also all the other standard procedures. I am also surprised at how all these things seem to come back to me by nature... its as if I have been doing it everyday. But I guess that as long as its things you enjoy doing, you will remember it for life.

The crowd was quite mild in the morning but come late morning, more and more people starts to come in. That's when we got a mini SLAM (that's our lingo for endless overwhelming drink orders) at the Bar. I worked pretty well with Shirlene. I'm the BE, she's the BS and we manage to clear the drinks slow and steady... haha... its really fun.

I don't mind helping out again~! If got anymore of such stuffs, must let me know~! hahaha...